EXPLORE Graduate School Seminars
The EXPLORE Graduate School Seminar series, in conjunction with The Princeton Review and our campus partners, provides prospective graduate students with tools and resources, including free and low-cost test preparation courses, to become successful graduate school applicants.
Learn more about graduate school
The EXPLORE Graduate School Seminar series has developed a partnership with on-campus departments, including ASU Career and Professional Development Services and the ASU Writing Centers, to provide prospective graduate students with tools and resources to be a successful graduate school applicant.
Types of general seminars scheduled throughout the year may include:
- Getting into graduate school — a general overview about the application process
- Writing a personal statement for graduate school admission
- Financing graduate school
- Making the most of the graduate school fair
ASU test preparation programs
ASU students who meet requirements are eligible for the free self-paced preparation kit for the GRE, GMAT, MCAT and LSAT.
Requirements include:
- Must be an ASU student and attending the current semester
- LSAT and MCAT students must have taken at least 60 credit hours
- GRE and GMAT students must be currently enrolled
- Must take the exam within one year of registering
To confirm eligibility and register for courses, visit princetonreview.com/partner/asu.
ASU students who do not meet eligibility requirements still qualify for special pricing available exclusively to members of the ASU community. For more information, call 1-800-273-8439 ext. 1080 or email ASUGradPrep@review.com.
Click here for a list of all the test prep options and all of the discount information.
Non-ASU students are also welcome to join our upcoming graduate college seminars. Individuals who attend more than three EGSSs will be eligible for $300 toward any teacher-led or live online course at The Princeton Review Tempe Office. For more information, call 1-800-273-8439 ext. 1080.
Seminar topics include:
- preparing for the GRE, GMAT, MCAT or LSAT
- math boot camps
- free practice Test
- follow-up strategy sessions
Click here for more information on ASU’s partnership with The Princeton Review. Advanced registration for all test preparation seminars is required. The Princeton Review reserves the right to cancel any session due to low enrollment. For more information, contact Graduate Admissions at gograd@asu.edu.
Additional testing resources: